Travel information

WTC Hotel Leeuwarden

Directions WTC Hotel Leeuwarden

By car

From Drachten/Groningen
Follow the A7 motorway and N31 towards Harlingen, take exit 24 and follow the signs WTC. WestCord WTC Hotel Leeuwarden is located next to the WTC Expo Meeting and Conference.

From Zwolle/Heerenveen
Merge onto A28, follow A32 towards Leeuwarden, follow N31 towards Harlingen, take exit 24 and follow the signs WTC. WestCord WTC Hotel Leeuwarden is located next to the WTC Expo Meeting and Conference.

From Harlingen/Amsterdam
Follow the signs A7 or E22 direction Leeuwarden, follow the N31 direction Drachten/Heerenveen, take exit 24 and follow the signs WTC. WestCord WTC Hotel Leeuwarden is located next to the WTC Expo Meeting and Conference.

Do you have questions? Feel free to call our reception for additional explanation 058 233 4900

Directions WTC Hotel Leeuwarden

With public transport

From the bus station take bus 97, which stops near the hotel (Heliconweg). For exact departure: If you prefer to walk from the train station, by foot you reach the hotel within 20 minutes. WTC Hotel Leeuwarden is situated 5 minutes away by public transport from the city center.


WestCord WTC Hotel Leeuwarden
2616 LM Delft