Safety instructions

Safety instructions

Fire safety
In every room you will find an emergency plan. Do not panic in case of fire! Report the fire at the reception by dialing number 9 on the telephone in your room. Try, if possible, to extinguish the fire your self with help of the fire hose. You will find one in every hotel corridor.

In case of fire never use the elevator!

Security cameras
At several places in our hotel you will find cameras hanging. These guard over your and our security. Every visitor of the hotel agrees to be recorded by our security cameras. In case of calamities these recordings will be shown to third parties as supporting material.

It is forbidden to take hotel property outside of the building. You will be held responsible for repair and/or renewal costs in case of damage to our property. Deposits or your credit card details may be used afterwards in case of not reporting damage yourself.

Emerengy exits
In case of fire you must use the emergency exits. These are permanently illuminated and marked clearly. On every floor you will find emergency exits, escape plans and emergency stairwells.

First aid kit
A first aid kit is available at the reception. Our reception personnel is trained in giving first aid.

It is forbidden to possess, to use or to deal illegal drugs inside the hotel room, public areas, bar and restaurant. If it is discovered that you do, you will be removed from our hotel immediately.